F18 Carrier Landing v4.35.apk

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F18 Carrier Landing

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Uploaded: Jan 20,2013
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PaidGooglePlay Review:

AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating! (4.35 out of 5)
Should you Download F18 Carrier LandingYes! This is an excellent app. However a couple of issues prevent it being worthy of Five Stars. Night landings are too tricky as the landing lights are not bright enough - it's difficult to see the runway in time. Some method of seeing the orientation of the runway from the cockpit early would be good - at the moment you have to keep switching to map view, which disrupts the flying experience. Finally it would be good to have a more easily visible bearing indicator in cockpit view etc.Rudder control too please!