Cogs v1.0.19.apk

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PaidGooglePlay Review: Rating! Rating! Rating! Rating! Rating! (4.6 out of 5)
Should you Download CogsCogs is a cool game where you need to complete puzzles in order to make a contraption work. It offers a simple idea, but levels get more complex and challenging as you play through. I am immediately reminded of games like Apparatus and Geared so if you enjoy the thrill of solving mini engineering puzzles, this is definitely for you. Thankfully the game comes with a demo version to try out first so I would wholeheartedly recommend you give it a go.

Fun Factor:

If you enjoy solving puzzles, you’ll most definitely enjoy Cogs’ gameplay. It’s perhaps not for everyone and perhaps the learning curve will put off more casual players, but for the persistent the game is lots of fun and very rewarding.


I think if you get stuck into the game, it can easily be one of the most addictive games you have played. Some levels come together very quickly as you just ‘see’ the solution quickly while others require more thought and patience. This makes for gameplay that easily tempts you with‘just one more level’, so it can be tricky to put down.


The graphics are sumptuously 3D and full of gorgeous detail. The delicate movements of components, the smooth way the cube rotates and the cogs click together is great to watch and are engineered perfectly. Even the menus and sub-menus feature this lush visual style which permeates throughout the game.

Accelerometer, Vibration & Sound:

The sound is good, very subtle, but works well with the theme of the game. Perhaps more could have been made of it, but gameplay is so immersive it’s not something that would bother you much.