Sprinkle v1.7.2.apk

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Uploaded: Jan 22,2013
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PaidGooglePlay Review:

AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating!AndroidTapp.com Rating! (4.6 out of 5)
Should you Download SprinkleYes, definitely give this one a look, especially if you like physics-based puzzles. If you have previously enjoyed games like Angry Birds or even more technical games like Apparatus, this will be ideal for you. I did think the learning curve was a little challenging but overall it was a superb gaming experience and well worth downloading. There is a Free version to try out, as well as an easier Junior version which might be worth a look if you have children.

Fun Factor:

Sprinkle is lots of fun and thoroughly engaging. It’s also a race against the clock to solve the puzzle and work out how best to quench the flames. Sometimes these fires are tricky to get to and you have to rely on physics and squirting in just the right direction to put it out, using the environment around you. Not easy, but ultimately very rewarding when you get it right.


I don’t think Sprinkle is as addictive as other games, but only based on the fact that I felt the learning curve was a little too steep. Levels went from being relatively easy to incredibly hard and I can see this putting people off a little. That aside, once you get the hang of the game, and learn how best to use the hose, this could quite easily be something you play over and over.


The graphics, although essentially 2D, are really outstanding. The water itself looks simply incredible and very detailed. The environments, the fire, the little aliens and their homes are all very intricately designed and perfectly rendered for the game.

Accelerometer, Vibration & Sound:

The music is really good and doesn’t ever seem to become irritating. There are authentic crackling sounds of the fire, as well as cute alien noises. These all contribute sublimely to gamer experience and compliments the game well.